Sep 16, 2019

A Time to Reflect

A time to think and reflect on the warm days of summer as the cooler days will change the color of the falling leaves. Two things to remember in Life, take care of your thoughts and take care of your words when you are around people.

-  One small positive thought in the morning can change the whole entire day.

-  Climb mountain not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.

-  The grass is greener where you water it.

Make the most of your time and activities with people who share your interest.  There are many ways to give back to the community with volunteering or helping various organization in need.  It's great to be able to help others and give of our time if we are capable and able.  Things like donating to a blood drive, helping at food packing, donation gently used items to others.  We can all make small changes in ourselves and other's lives by just starting

Thanks for reading, Jesse   Volunteer, be a mentor and make a difference in your community...